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"resources": {
"image_1": {
"source": {
"remote_url": "https://cdn.shakr.com/logo1.png"
"transform": {
"crop_strategy": "cover"
"image_2": {
"source": {
"remote_url": "https://cdn.shakr.com/logo2.png"
"transform": {
"crop_strategy": "contain"
"image_3": {
"source": {
"remote_url": "https://cdn.shakr.com/logo3.png"
"transform": {
"crop_x": 0,
"crop_y": 376,
"crop_width": 784,
"crop_height": 418,
"crop_strategy": "manual"

How to customize source for image editable

Support remote_url only.

How to customize transform for image editable

Support crop_strategy for image editable. There are 3 crop strategies can use.


Image will be cropped to ensure maximum fill within the frame.


Image will be contained without cropping. Preserves the full image within the frame. Useful for product images or logos with transparent background.


Fully defining how to crop it. If you want to use this strategy, need 4 more parameters.

crop_xStarting point of x-axis to crop.
crop_yStarting point of y-axis to crop.
crop_widthHow many pixels do you want to crop in width.
crop_heightHow many pixels do you want to crop in height.