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editor-sdk package


EventEmitterEvent Emitter extended by ShakrEditor
ShakrEditorShakr Editor class which returns a instance that can communicates with Shakr's Editor iframe window.
ShakrreadyEditorShakr Editor class which returns a instance that can communicates with Shakrready Editor iframe window.


ShakrEditorErrorShakr Editor error types.
ShakrreadyEditorErrorShakrready Editor error types.


createShakrEditor(options)Factory function to create ShakrEditor instance
createShakrreadyEditor(options)Factory function to create ShakrreadyEditor instance


ShakrEditorCustomizabilityOptionsOptions to control customizability in Shakr Editor.
ShakrEditorErrorEventEvent Object for 'error' event.
ShakrEditorEventMapEvent map interface for ShakrEditor.
ShakrEditorFinishEventEvent Object for 'finish' event when ShakrEditorOptions.wait_rendering is true.
ShakrEditorGetMediaEventEvent Object for 'get_media' event.
ShakrEditorMediaMedia object interface which should be returned by 'get_media' event or 'open_media_library' event event listener's callback.
ShakrEditorMediaLibrarySDK consumer provided media library config
ShakrEditorOpenMediaLibraryEventEvent Object for 'open_media_library' event.
ShakrEditorOptionsShakrEditor constructor options interface
ShakrEditorThemeTheme setting options for Shakr Editor.
ShakrEditorThemeCustomizeOptionsTheme customize options for Shakr Editor
ShakrreadyEditorErrorEventEvent Object for 'error' event.
ShakrreadyEditorEventMapEvent map interface for ShakrreadyEditor.
ShakrreadyEditorOptionsShakrreadyEditor constructor options interface

Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription
ShakrEditorAppearanceTypeLight (light) / Dark (dark) / Dynamically change appearance depends on browser/OS setting (browser)