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Instead of polling a retrieve endpoint with multiple requests, you can setup a webhook endpoint and receive notifications on your web server.


To get started, please contact Shakr’s customer success team and send us your web endpoint that will be triggered. Once it’s registered, Shakr will send events to your endpoint with POST method.

Available webhooks

Event NameDescription
batch_show.status.changedBatchShow status is changed
feed.status.changedFeed status is changed
render_session.status.changedRenderSession status is changed
render_session.external_upload.completeRenderSession external_upload (Automated Video Delivery) is complete
template_style_version.status.changedTemplateStyleVersion status is changed



This event is triggered whenever RenderSession status is changed. RenderSession status can be one of the following:

draftInitial state, RenderSession is created and can be edited
preview_renderingRenderSession is being rendered
preview_renderedRenderSession is rendered

preview_rendered status essentially indicates that the RenderSession is fully rendered. You will be able to retrieve video via the video_url attribute.

Here is an example payload you can expect:

"render_session": {
"id": "deJIKN",
"title": "My RenderSession",
"status": "preview_rendered",
"render_progress": 100,
"thumbnails": [...],
"video_url": "...",


This event is triggered whenever Feed status is changed. Feed status can be one of the following:

pendingInitial state, Feed is being processed and not ready yet
postprocessingFeed is going through additional processing; this status might be skipped if feed doesn't need additional processing
readyFeed is ready
failedFeed processing failed

Here is an example payload you can expect:

"feed": {
"id": "zknqQo",
"status": "ready",
"upload": { ... },


This event is triggered when you specified an external_uploads parameter when creating a RenderSession, and one of the external_upload is completed. Webhook is supported on all Automated Video Delivery destinations.

Here are example payloads you can expect:

"render_session_id": "RENDER_SESSION_ID",
"to": "fbadact://act_123",

In this payload, remote_id key represents AdVideo ID created in Facebook Ad Account you have specified in to key.


This event is triggered whenever BatchShow status is changed. BatchShow status can be one of the following:

draftInitial state, BatchShow is created and can be edited
preview_renderingSubset of BatchShow outputs are being rendered as a preview
preview_renderedSubset of BatchShow outputs are rendered as a preview
renderingBatchShow outputs are being rendered
renderedBatchShow outputs are rendered

Here is an example payload you can expect:

"batch_show": {
"id": "zbkqwA",
"title": "My BatchShow",
"status": "preview_rendered",
"rendered_outputs_count": 3,
"failed_outputs_count": 0,
"feed_items_count": 10,


This event is triggered whenever TemplateStyleVersion status is changed. TemplateStyleVersion status can be one of the following:

createdInitial state, TemplateStyleVersion is created
processingShakr is analyzing the project file
demo_renderingShakr is performing a test render of the template
edit_readyTemplate is ready to be used in Template Wizard

Signature Validation

Since the Webhook endpoint on your server is accessible publicly on the internet, it is possible that attackers may find your endpoint and send malicious requests to it. We send a SHA-256 signature on each payload so you can verify requests on your end.

Signature is included in the header of Webhook request as X-Shakr-Signature. You can verify signature with your client_id, like this:

require "json"
require "rack"

digest ="sha256")

# Get your client_id, used when retrieving an access token
client_id = "YOUR_SHAKR_CLIENT_ID"

# Get "X-Shakr-Signature" header from Shakr API response
# Example: request.env["HTTP_X_SHAKR_SIGNATURE"] when using Sinatra
returned_signature = "HEADER_RETURNED_FROM_SHAKR_API"

# Get raw body returned from Shakr API response
# Example: request.body when using Sinatra

calculated_signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(digest, client_id, body)
calculated_signature_str = "sha256=#{calculated_signature}"

# Use secure comparison method to prevent timing attack
# Returns true if matches
Rack::Utils.secure_compare(returned_signature, calculated_signature_str)

You need to add sha256= in front of the signature string before comparison.

Prevent timing attack

Plain == operator may expose certain timing attack possibilities to attackers. We strongly recommend using Constant time string comparison methods, like Ruby Rack's secure_compare, PHP's hash_equals, or Python's hmac.compare_digest.