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@shakrmedia/editor-sdk ShakrEditorTheme

ShakrEditorTheme interface

Theme setting options for Shakr Editor.

export interface ShakrEditorTheme extends ShakrEditorThemeCustomizeOptions 



appearance?ShakrEditorAppearanceType(Optional) light/dark/browser theme option. Default value is dark.
button_border_radius?number(Optional) Custom button border radius in pixel unit. Default value is 100.
cancel_button_border_width?number(Optional) Custom button border width in pixel unit for cancel buttons. Default value is 0.
confirm_button_border_width?number(Optional) Custom button border width in pixel unit for confirm type buttons (with accented colors). Default value is 0.
dark_override?ShakrEditorThemeCustomizeOptions(Optional) Override styles applied when ShakrEditorTheme.appearance value is dark, or when ShakrEditorTheme.appearance value is browser, and the current theme is dark
light_override?ShakrEditorThemeCustomizeOptions(Optional) Override styles applied when ShakrEditorTheme.appearance value is light, or when ShakrEditorTheme.appearance value is browser, and the current theme is light